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Generate a sentence!

Welcome to Zarter Stein!

This simple app has one task in mind: to help users to learn how conjugation of the pronoun, adjective, and noun works in German.

Your task is to choose the correct ending of a pronoun and an adjective. The sentences are procedurally generated and bear little or no meaning. However, they are desinged to be a bit excentic and entertaining, as I believe that fun is mother of learning.

Good luck!

Currently, this webpage does not use any cookies, nor it tracks the users anyhow. This might be changed in the future

This is only a first version of this app and it is more or less a working prototype. However, I hope that you wil enjoy it!

v0.1.1 — added attempt tracker. If you do everyhting right from the start the result will be shining greener!!!